8 Ways Education Impacts Self-Worth

8 Ways Education Impacts Self-Worth

June 03, 20224 min read

People are born into different backgrounds and no one ever gets to choose. Some people are lucky to have grown up in situations that helped develop their self-confidence and self-worth. Education.

For others, the story is not so great, and facing extreme challenges and difficulty ends up draining their self-esteem and self-worth.

When it comes to education, there are still many people in rural locations around the world who still don’t have access to education. For instance, in many parts of rural India girls do not have a chance to go to school and will often end up being married off at an early age.

This can have a huge negative impact on a girl’s self-worth.

Let’s take a closer look at education and see how it impacts a person’s self-worth.

Becoming a better communicator

Education gives students the chance to make presentations and argue their points in front of other students and their tutors.

With supportive teachers, the student learns the best way to point out their arguments. This provides students with a sense of accomplishment and skills that they can take through life.

As a result, their self-confidence and self-worth grows when they understand that they have acquired life skills.

Making better life decisions

Education equips you with knowledge and through it, you are able to make better life choices.

Whether it is dealing with conflict or deciding on the best course of action and direction to take in life, education has a huge role to play.

Thus it impacts the day-to-day lives of people and helps them avoid bad situations. Ultimately, education results in a better quality of life thus improving one’s self-worth.

Getting over challenges

There is no denying that studying for your exams and for higher education is no simple task. However, by rising above these challenges, passing exams, and finally graduating, you learn that you have what it takes to meet life’s challenges.

When you finally enter the job market, challenges are just something to be overcome and you know that you have it in you to do so.

This greatly improves one’s self-esteem and self-worth through a sense of accomplishment.

Negative feedback

While tackling projects through education, you may sometimes receive negative feedback. Granted this can be counterproductive to a person’s self-esteem and self-confidence as there is the feeling of failing.

Sometimes this could even cause one to fail to try again.

However, by taking the negative feedbacks from a constructive standpoint, you can perform better the next time and achieve your goals. This then proves that through hard work you can achieve your accomplishments thus helping to boost your self-worth.


After many years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice, one will finally graduate achieve their diploma or your degree. It is normal that a graduate gets the feeling of accomplishment and pride.

This is especially when one didn’t believe that they could achieve education or if they faced many odds to get here. This in itself can be a huge boost to their self-confidence and self-worth.

As a result, one will also be motivated to approach the job market with zeal.

An end to poverty

In many parts of the world, including India, women are more affected by poverty than men. This is largely due to gender stereotypes. A lack of education pushes women towards early marriages and pregnancies.

Girls and women do not get a chance to compete at the same level as men which greatly affects their self-worth. Proper education is the key to fighting poverty.

A better-educated girl and woman will go on to earn more and lead a better quality of life. Her heightened self-worth is likely to be passed on to her children which then improves the quality of life of the next generation.

Speaking of society stereotypes

Also on the topic of girls’ education, giving girls a chance to education goes a long way to fighting gender and societal stereotypes such as women belong at home.

Society is more likely to view women as capable contributors the society.

Women feel valued and this also raises their self-esteem and self-worth urging them to pursue even bigger goals.

Joining organizations

Education gives one a chance to be a part of something great. Being able to join an organization whose activities help improve society and the world can be a huge boost to self-confidence and self-worth.

One feels capable of doing great things.

A lack of education, on the other hand, can result in low self-esteem. In other words, one tends to think less of themselves.

A large portion of the population with such a mentality will affect the development of a country, stagnating its growth.

A ripple effect of improved self-worth

Getting an education goes far beyond improving self-worth. It means that people can make better choices in their lives. They can avoid diseases and they can create smaller more sustainable and healthier families. Society and the country benefits as fewer people live below the poverty line and more people lead quality lives.

My single purpose in life is to introduce you to your own awesomeness, starting with the self defining conversation in front of the mirror and transforming every interaction from there on all the way to the boardroom and everything in between.

Falguni Katira

My single purpose in life is to introduce you to your own awesomeness, starting with the self defining conversation in front of the mirror and transforming every interaction from there on all the way to the boardroom and everything in between.

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